
What is 14/18 Divided by 77?

Accepted Solution


To calculate 14/18 divided by 77, first divide 14 by 18. Then, take the result of that division and divide it by 77. The problem can be solved in steps as follows:

Step 1: Express the problem in LaTex format, which looks like this: $\frac{14}{18} \, \div \, 77$

Step 2: Multiply the denominator of the dividend (18) by the whole number (77). 18 times 77 equals 1386.

Step 3: The result from step 2 will now serve as the new denominator. This can be expressed in LaTex as: $\frac{14}{1386}$

Step 4: Dividing 14 by 1386 produces a very small number, which can be rounded off to a decimal place of your choosing.

Additional exercises in the same format would be to calculate the following: 13/9 divided by 15/10, 91 divided by 12/18, an unknown number divided by 17 to equal 66, 12 divided by an unknown number to equal 61, and 11/19 divided by 48.